
The words Ergonomic is take from Greek word “ergon” which mean work and “nomos” means natural law. Its mean that ergonomists study the relationship between human capability with work demands. Besides it also study of designing equipment and devices that fit with human body. It fit with movement and also its cognitive abilities. 

The purpose of ergonomic design is help to prevent strain injured and optimize human well-being and overall system performance by designed product such as safe furniture and easy-to-use interfaces to machines.   

Ergonomic draws on many disciplines in its study of humans and theirs environment which includes anthropometry, biomechanics, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, industrial design, kinesiology , physiology and also psychology. In Europe and USA, they have their own society that about ergonomic. For example in UK is The Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors  

According to International Ergonomics Association, there are 3 types of ergonomics which are physical ergonomic, cognitive ergonomics and organizational ergonomic. Besides according to the foundation of science of ergonomic that during the Hellenic civilization in 5th century BC, the citizen use the principle of ergonomic to create their tools, jobs and workplaces. And also this principle of ergonomic also used by Egyptians Dynasties to make tools, household equipment and  etc.

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How to avoid the strains injured:
1)    Do not settle for a desk without a keyboard tray or some other way to set the keyboard height and angle correctly.  
2)     Do not place the keyboard on top of the desk.
3)     Do not place the monitor above your head.
4)    Do not sit in a rigid and upright position.
5)    Do not lean forward.
6)    Do not work for long periods of time without moving. You need to take frequent breaks. They keep you awake, productive and healthy and keep you from developing Deep Vein Thrombosis. At least once every hours then take should stand up, stretch muscles and move around
7)    incorrect lighting can result in neck or eye strain and shorten the time a worker is able to perform a task in this environment.
8)    Rest your eyes – at least 15 minutes then take break and look away from the screen for a minutes or two.
9)    Using ergonomic software. You can installed ergonomic software that will prompt you to take breaks. Some software even will suggest you some simple exercise that do in your workplaces.        

    Before buying ergonomic products, think the question such as:
•    Does the design and the manufacturer's claim make sense?
•    What research has the manufacturer done to support their claims?
•    Does it feel comfortable to use the product for long periods of time?   Sometimes it takes a little bit of time for a product to feel comfortable and "break in" or change your posture in order to become beneficial.
  •    If it hasn't' been recommended by an Ergonomist, don't use it. 

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What are the some syndrome of not using ergonomic product.
1)    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – is a compression of median nerve in wrist. The symptoms are pain and numbness in hand especially at night, clumsiness, and trophic changes  such as muscle wasting. If you want to make sure whether you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or not, you can use Phalen’s test 

  Place the backs of both of your hands together and hold the wrists in forced flexion for a full minute. You should stop at once if you feel a sharp pain Occurs and then go to health care professional or use the effective conservative of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome are:
•    Chiropractic manipulation of the wrist, forearm and hand
•    Ice massage (10 to 12 minutes) several times a day
•    minimizing any irritating activities •    wrist strengthening exercises
•    wrist stretching exercises •    possible use of wrist brace or splint while sleeping
•    applying sound ergonomic principles

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